Frugal Rewards Club

New Offers, New Savings!

Our free-to-join, benefits-based club grants you access to special MEMBER-ONLY PRICES on select products.

We'll email updates to you periodically featuring member-priced products. Plus, being a club member means you'll have opportunities to win private brewery and distillery tastings, Frugal MacDoogal swag and much more! 


  • Fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
  • Member-priced products will be posted on this page.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for our green shelf talkers--you'll see one accompanying each club-priced product.
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Member-only Celebration Savings!

It's that time of the year. Time to pop some bubbles! Perfect for the Christmas dinner table! And, you already know about New Years!
Happy to provide our Frugal Rewards Club members even more savings for your celebrations!


Member-only pricing

(Scroll categories to see all)

If we weren't your favorite liquor store before, surely we will be now. We have the brands you love and the spirits you crave, available now for an even lower price via the Frugal Rewards Club! Bourbon, tequila, rum, gin, liqueur—it's all here, plus so much more. Join now and start saving!

Bourbon Regular $ Member $
Copper and Cask 750ml $59.99 $49.99
Penelope Architect 750ml $57.99 $49.99
Penelope Barrel Strength 750ml $58.99 $49.99
Penelope Rose Cask Finish 750ml $59.99 $49.99
Penelope Toasted 750ml $59.99 $49.99
Smoke Wagon Straight Boubon Whiskey 750ml $29.99 $26.99
Flavored Bourbon Regular $ Member $
Blind Squirrel Peanut Butter Cream 750ml $19.99 $14.99
Blind Squirrel Peanut Butter Pretzel 750ml $19.99 $16.99
Blind Squirrel Peanut Butter & Jelly 750ml $19.99 $16.99
Blind Squirrel Peanut Butter Banana 750ml $19.99 $16.99
Tequila / Mezcal / Sotol Regular $ Member $
Agave de los Andes 750ml $57.99 $48.99
Agave de los Andes Blanco 750ml $49.99 $44.99
Cazadores Anejo 750ml $42.99 $34.99
Desert Door Blanco 750ml $39.99 $35.99
Desert Door Aged 750ml $49.99 $43.99
Kimo Sabe Anejo 750ml $34.99 $24.99
Kimo Sabe Repo 750ml $29.99 $22.99
Los Rijos Mezcal 750ml $44.99 $39.99
Los Rijos Anejo 750ml $44.99 $39.99
Los Rijos Repo 750ml $34.99 $29.99
Los Rijos Blanco 750ml $29.99 $26.99
Orendain 750ml $15.99 $12.99
Oro De Coyame Sotol 750ml $49.99 $47.99
Xicala 750ml $39.99 $37.99
21 Seeds - Cucumber Jalapeno 750ml $31.99 $29.99
21 Seeds - Valencia Orange 750ml $31.99 $29.99
21 Seeds Grapefruit Hibiscus 750ml $31.99 $29.99
Vodka Regular $ Member $
Grey Goose Peach / Rosemary 750ml $26.99 $19.99
Mont Blanc 750ml $21.99 $18.99
Brandy / Armagnac Regular $ Member $
Lahitan Armagnac 5 year 750ml $32.99 $28.99
Lahitan Armagnac 10 year 750ml $49.99 $44.99
Lahitan Armagnac 20 year 750ml $62.99 $54.99
RTD Regular $ Member $
American Mule Light Variety 8 Pack $19.99 $12.99
Nutrl 4 pack (all) $9.99 $8.99
Nutrl 8 pack (all) $17.99 $16.99


Member-only pricing

(Scroll categories to see all)

We take pride in the wine we're able to offer our loyal patrons, but it makes us extra proud when we're able to offer quality bottles at an additional discount beyond our already low prices. From Cabernet to Zinfandel and plenty in between, we're sure you'll find something that both you and your wallet will adore.

Wine Regular $ Member $
Au Petit Coup Cabernet Sauvignon 1 L $11.99 $9.99
Aurora Pecorino 750 ML $24.99 $18.99
Big Basin Homestead 750ML $22.99 $16.99
Block 248 Cab Sauv 750ML $24.99 $18.99
Bonneau Blanc De Blanc 750ml $74.99 $68.99
Booker Fracture Syrah $74.99 $68.99
Buehler Estate Cab $56.99 $46.99
Castello Del Poggio Honeydew Joy 750ml $9.99 $7.99
Charles Mignon Grand Cru Mag 1.5 L $199.99 $174.99
Chateau Cordet Margaux 750 ML $49.99 $44.99
Chateau Saint Brice Saint-Emilion 750 ML $26.99 $24.99
Chehalem Chehalem Pinot Gris 750 ML $23.99 $19.99
Co G Duboeuf Chiroubles 750 ML $29.99 $14.99
Colony House Le Carignan 750ML $47.99 $44.99
Contra Golpe Blanc 750ml $18.99 $17.99
Daterra Casas De Enriba $34.99 $29.99
Gavignet Borgogne Pinot Noir 750ML $39.99 $34.99
Giant Steps Sexton Chard 750 ML $54.99 $48.99
Gruber Roschit Gruner Bio 750ml $19.99 $16.99
Gruber Roschit Gruner Sparkling 750ML $24.99 $19.99
Heredis Nebbiolo 1.5 L $34.99 $29.99
Hunter Chaps Pinot Noir 750ml $15.99 $13.99
J Cage Cuvee Pinot Noir 750ML $43.99 $39.99
J Cage Red Blend 750ML $42.99 $37.99
Jaboulet Ventoux Roughe $12.99 $9.99
Kathryn Hall Cab Sauv 750 ML $234.99 $224.99
Kraemer Blanc De Blancs Brut 750 ML $11.99 $9.99
Kreuzn Montigny Auslese 750ml $26.99 $22.99
Leslie Hennessy S Blanc 750ml $29.99 $25.99
Maiolica Montepulciano D'Abruzzo 750 ML $15.99 $13.99
Marcel Pierre Brut 750 ML $46.99 $42.99
Moillard Grivot Blanc 750 ML $21.99 $19.99
Mud Pie Zinfandel 750ml $15.99 $13.99
Natale Ver Barolo Mag 1.5 L $59.99 $54.99
Natale Verga Chianti Classico Riserva 1.5L $56.99 $49.99
Natale Verga Prosecco 750ml $13.99 $12.99
Nau Mai Sauv Bl 750 ML $21.99 $18.99
Navigator Napa Cab 750ml $34.99 $29.99
Navigator Napa Red 750ml $19.99 $17.99
Octopoda Russian River Chard 750ml $18.99 $15.99
Owen Roe Sinister Hand 750ml $19.99 $15.99
P Fontaine Brut Rose 750ml $49.99 $39.99
Perimeter Riesling 750ml $11.99 $9.99
Perimeter Sweet Riesling 750ML $11.99 $9.99
Petrolo Galatrona 750 ML $124.99 $104.99
Possible Fruit Du Hasard 750ML $27.99 $23.99
Real De Aragon Cava 750ml $17.99 $15.99
Roberto Mascato D'Asti 750 ML $12.99 $9.99
Roberto Piemonte Brachetto 750 ML $12.99 $9.99
Round Pond K&K Chardonnay 750 ML 750 ML $24.99 $19.99
Saviah Cellars SYRah 750ml $39.99 $34.99
Second Growth Pinot Noir 750ml $29.99 $24.99
Shed Horn Chard 750ml $24.99 $19.99
Slam Dunk 750ml $14.99 $9.99
Stolen Identity Red Blend 750ml $26.99 $19.99
Stonestreet Rf Cab 750 ML $124.99 $114.99
Suvali Pinot Noir 750ml $14.99 $12.99

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